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牡蛎肉质鲜美,营养丰富,具有很高的食用价值。本研究以舟山长牡蛎(Crassostreagigas)为研究对象,以DPPH自由基清除率为测试指标,通过UF、GFC及RP-HPLC等技术,对牡蛎蛋白酶解液进行分离纯化,获得牡蛎蛋白小分子肽样品,并对其氨基酸组成进行营养性评价。研究结果表明:浓度为30%—100%的硫酸铵处理酶解液的分离效果明显优于低于浓度为30%硫酸铵的分离效果,其DPPH自由基清除率达到52.43%;纯化后得到两种牡蛎蛋白小分子肽分别标记为组分a(Mw1kDa)和组分b(1kDaMw3kDa);组分a中牡蛎蛋白小分子肽分子量分布主要为1995.2Da、1258.9Da、1023.3Da、398.1Da;对牡蛎蛋白小分子肽组分a进行检测,发现其中氨基酸种类及含量丰富,其中必需氨基酸(EAA)含量为18.863%,总氨基酸含量(TAA)为43.3748%,必需氨基酸占总氨基酸43.49%,必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸(NEAA)的比例为76.95%,风味氨基酸(FAA)含量为18.9147%,占总氨基酸含量的43.61%。综上可见,牡蛎蛋白小分子肽具有极高的营养价值和市场经济效益,此研究为牡蛎蛋白抗衰老小分子活性肽(Zel'ner)的开发提供了新的思路和方向。  相似文献   
海洋经济创新发展对粤港澳大湾区创新驱动、打造具有国际竞争力的科技创新中心具有重要意义。文章介绍粤港澳大湾区当前的海洋经济创新发展情况及其优势和不足,从构建大湾区海洋创新发展产业链、驱动陆海科技创新一体化、完善科技创新驱动体制机制和推动科技金融服务蓝色经济发展等方面,提出粤港澳大湾区海洋经济创新发展的突破要点和路径。  相似文献   
文章通过断面法调查分析了儋州海域海花岛沿岸、南华墟沿岸和磷枪石岛沿岸造礁石珊瑚的种类组成与群落分布,结果表明:儋州海域造礁石珊瑚共有12科25属55种,相较于此前的研究增加了10个种,优势种为斯氏角孔珊瑚、澄黄滨珊瑚、柱角孔珊瑚;活造礁石珊瑚覆盖率急剧下降,由2012年的42.92%下降至现在的22.24%,降幅高至48.18%;造礁石珊瑚死亡率高居不下,长期维持在35%左右;初级群落以团块状造礁石珊瑚为优势种的趋势愈发明显,且单一绝对优势种的情况频繁出现,说明该海域造礁石珊瑚群落受到了较为严重的破坏,导致群落退化演替,分析认为这种破坏是由自然因素和人为活动共同造成的。  相似文献   
钢管脐带缆包含多种螺旋缠绕的功能单元,其在外力载荷下会发生相对运动,而且钢管的刚度较大对扭转平衡有重要影响,因此,相对于普通电缆,钢管脐带缆在扭转平衡设计时更加困难。根据扭转平衡理论公式,采用控制变量法,以第二层铠装钢丝的绞合角度为变量进行扭转平衡设计。首先建立脐带缆缆芯有限元模型,对其施加拉伸载荷,结果显示缆芯出现了扭转,这证明不能将脐带缆缆芯视为一实心圆柱。其次建立不同绞合角度的脐带缆有限元模型,设置各功能单元的材料属性和摩擦系数,分析模型在拉伸载荷下的扭转角度,并将相同拉伸载荷下的扭转角度拟合为直线,从而得到钢管脐带缆在扭转平衡状态时的最优绞合角度。最后,采用试验方法对实物钢管脐带缆进行扭转平衡测试,测试结果显示在拉伸载荷下脐带缆单位长度扭转角度十分微小,这表明缆是扭转平衡的。因此验证了使用的有限元方法在钢管脐带缆扭转平衡设计中的有效性。  相似文献   
以热带库里亚藻(Coolia tropicalis)为研究对象, 在不同锰浓度(0、1、5、10、50μmol·L -1)的人工海水培养15d, 利用叶绿素荧光动力学技术研究了其生长和光合作用对不同锰环境的响应。结果表明: 1)比生长速率(μ)和最大相对电子传递速率(rETRmax)与锰浓度均呈指数关系且对锰胁迫具有相同程度的响应; 2)锰浓度至少大于1μmol·L -1才能维持热带库里亚藻正常的光合作用活性, 当锰浓度低于该浓度时, 光合作用活性(Fv/Fm)在6d后开始下降, 而单位反应中心吸收光能(ABS/RC)和热能耗散(DI0/RC)升高; 两个反应中心之间的电子传递(φE0)及生长并未受影响, 表明此阶段锰缺乏只影响活性光反应中心数量并提高热耗散途径; 当锰缺乏延长至15d时, 胁迫作用显现(F0上升)并且电子传递(φE0)和生长受到抑制, 这阶段锰缺乏使光反应中心关闭且电子传递受阻; 3)锰缺乏的修复损伤比(r/k)并未降低, 表明锰缺乏并未影响热带库里亚藻的光保护能力。  相似文献   
星载微波散射计是获取全球海面风场信息的主要手段, HY-2B卫星散射计的成功发射为全球海面风场数据获取的持续性提供了重要保障。本文利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)再分析风场数据、热带大气海洋观测计划(Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Array, TAO)和美国国家数据浮标中心(National Data Buoy Center, NDBC)浮标获取的海面风矢量实测数据, 对HY-2B散射计海面风场数据产品的质量进行统计分析。分析表明, HY-2B风场与ECMWF再分析风场对比, 在4~24m·s-1风速区间内, 风速和风向均方根误差(root mean square error, RMSE)分别为1.58m·s-1和15.34°; 与位于开阔海域的TAO浮标数据对比, 风速、风向RMSE分别为1.03m·s-1和14.98°, 可见HY-2B风场能较好地满足业务化应用的精度要求(风速优于2m·s-1, 风向优于20°)。与主要位于近海海域的NDBC浮标对比, HY-2B风场的风速、风向RMSE分别为1.60m·s-1和19.14°, 说明HY-2B散射计同时具备了对近海海域风场的良好观测能力。本文还发现HY-2B风场质量会随风速、地面交轨位置等变化, 为用户更好地使用HY-2B风场产品提供参考。  相似文献   
Zonag, Kusai, Hedin Noel and Yanhu Lakes are independent inland lakes in the Hoh Xil region on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In September2011, Zonag Lake burst after the water level had increased for many years. Floods flowed through Kusai and Hedin Noel Lakes into Yanhu Lake; since then, the four small endorheic catchments merged into one larger catchment. This hydrological process caused the rapid shrinkage of Zonag Lake and continuous expansion of Yanhu Lake. In this study,based on satellite images, meteorological data and field investigations, we examined the dynamic changes in the four lakes and analyzed the influencing factors. The results showed that before 2011, the trends in the four lake areas were similar and displayed several stages. The change in the area of Zonag Lake corresponded well to the change in annual precipitation(AP), but the magnitude of the change was less than that of a non-glacier-fed lake. Although increased precipitation was the dominant factor that caused Zonag Lake to expand, increased glacier melting and permafrost thawing due to climate warming also had significant effects. After the 2011 outburst of Zonag Lake, due to the increasing AP and accelerating glacier melting, the increases in water volume of the three lakes were absorbed by Yanhu Lake, and Yanhu Lake expanded considerably. According to the rapid growth rates in water level and lake area, Yanhu Lake is likely to burst in 1-2 years.  相似文献   
Ascertaining the relationship between "source-sink" landscape and non-point source(NPS) pollution is crucial for reducing NPS pollution, however, it is not easy to realize this target on cell unit scale. To reveal the relationships between "sourcesink" landscape and NPS pollution based on cell units of a small catchment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region(TGRR), the runoff and nutrient yields were simulated first by rainfall events on a cell unit scale based on the Annualized AGricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Model(AnnAGNPS). Landscape structure and pattern were quantified with "sourcesink" landscape indicators based on cell units including landscape area indices and locationweighted landscape indices. The results showed that:the study case of small Wangjiagou catchment highlighted a good prediction capability of runoff and nutrient export by the AnnAGNPS model. Throughout the catchment, the spatial distribution trends of four location-weighted landscape indices were similar to the trends of simulated total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP), which highlighted the importance of spatial arrangement of "source" and "sink" landscape types in a catchment when estimating pollutant loads. Results by Pearson correlation analysis indicated that the location-weighted landscape index provided a more comprehensive account of multiple factors, and can better reflect NPS-related nutrient loss than other landscape indices applied in single-factor analysis. This study provides new findings for applying the "source-sink" landscape indices based on cell units in small catchments to explain the effect of "source-sink" landscape on nutrient export based on cell unit, and helps improve the understanding of the correlation between "source-sink" landscape and NPS pollution.  相似文献   
Active seismic sources are critical for obtaining high resolution images of the subsurface. For active imaging in urban areas, environment friendly and green seismic sources are required. In present work, we introduce a new type of green active source based on the gaseous detonation of methane and oxygen. When fired in a closed container, the chemical reaction, i.e. gaseous detonation, will produce high pressure air over 150MPa. Seismic waves are produced when high pressure air is quickly released to impact the surroundings. The first field experiment of this active source was carried out in December, 2017 in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, where a series of active sources were excited to explore their potential in mine exploration. In current work, we analyzed the seismic waves recorded by near-field accelerators and a dense short-period seismic array and compared them with those from a mobile airgun source, another kind of active source by releasing high pressure air into water. The results demonstrate that it can be used for high resolution near surface imaging. Firstly, the gaseous detonation productions are harmless CO2 and water, making it a green explosive source. Secondly, the dominant seismic frequencies are 10-80Hz and a single shot can be recorded up to 15km, making it suitable for local structure investigations. Thirdly, it can be excited in vertical wells, similar to traditional powder explosive sources. It can also act as an additional on-land active source to airgun sources, which requires a suitable water body as intermediate media to generate repeating signals. Moreover, the short duration and high frequency signature of the source signals make it safe with no damage to nearby buildings. These make it convenient to excite in urban areas. As a new explosive source, the excitation equipment and conditions, such as gas ratio, sink depth and air-releasing directions, need further investigation to improve seismic wave generation efficiency.  相似文献   
We monitored the amplitude changes of coda transmission waves around 500kHz across the frictional interface of a simulated 1.5-meter-long fault during normal stress holding test. We find that the amplitude of coda transmission waves increases with the logarithm of stationary contact time. Localized increase amounted to a level ranging from 4% to 16% along the fault is observed during the 1-hour experiment. We discuss that the frictional strength at mesoscopic scale, which is related to the amplitude of coda transmission waves, is responsible for the phenomenon. Combining the reported method with other complementary approaches will enhance the understanding of fault mechanism either at laboratory or on-site applications.  相似文献   
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